Anjeev Singh Academy

Anjeev Singh Academy

Class 12 IP 065 Ch 1 Python Pandas I Type A Very Short Questions Answer

11. How would you add a new column namely ‘val’ to a dataframe df that has 10 rows in it and has columns as ‘Item’, ‘Qty’, ‘Price’ ? You can choose to put any values of your choice.

Ans :         Method – I

                      df[‘Val’] = 100

            Method – II

                        df[‘Val’] =  range(1,11)        

or you can provide 10 different values.

12. Write code statements for a dataframe df for the following,

(a) Delete an existing column from it.

(b) Delete rows from 3 to 6 from it.

(c) Check if the dataframe has any missing values.

(d) Fill all missing values with 999 in it.


(a) del df[‘ColumnName’]     


df = df.drop(‘ColumnName’, axis = 1)

(b) df = df.drop(range(2,6) )


df = df.drop(range(2,6), axis = 0) #default axis is 0

(c) df.isna()                

(d) df.fillna(999)

13. Write statement(s) to delete a row from a DataFrame.

Ans : df =  df.drop(rowIndex)

14. Write statement(s) to delete a column from a DataFramee

Ans: del DF[‘ColumnNane’]                   


DF = DF.drop(‘ColumnName or Index’, axis = 1)

15. Write statement(s) to change the value at 5th row, 6th column in a DataFrame df.

Ans:     df.iloc[4, 5 ] = Value 

# 5th row means 4th index and 6th col means 5th index


df.loc[5, 6 ] = value 

# In case row index is 5 and column index is 6

OR[5, 6] = value 

# In case row index is 5 and column label is 6

16. Write statement(s) to change the values to 750 at 4th row to 9th row, 7th column in a DataFrame df.

Ans:[4:9,7] = 750

17. What is the difference between iloc and loc with respect to a DataFrame ?     

Ans : loc and iloc both are used to access subset from a DataFrame. iloc measn Integer Location, while loc means location.

  • iloc works with the index position while loc works with the row label and column label.
  • iloc ignore the end index / position like slices while loc include both start label and end label.

18. What is the difference between iat and at with respect to a DataFrame ?

Ans: iat stands for integer at.  iat and at both are used to select or access an individual data value from a dataframe.,

  [rowlabel, columnlable]                           e.g.[‘Ram’, ‘Maths’]

            df.iat[row index no, column index no]           e.g.      df.iat[1, 2]

  • iat :- access a single value for a row and column pair by integer position.
  • at :- access a single value for a row and column pair.

19. How would you delete columns from a dataframe ?

Ans: We can delete column(s) by using del statement or drop( ) method.

            del dfObj[ColumnName]


del dfObj[5]    

# 5 is a column label

del df2[‘Maths’]    

# ‘Maths’ is a column lable

dfObj.drop( column index or sequence of column index, axis =  1)  # axis = 1 for column


df.drop(4, axis=1)

df.drop([“Maths”, “Science”], axis = 1)

20. How would you delete rows from a dataframe ?

Ans: A rows can be deleted from a dataframe by using drop( ) method.

dfobj.drop(row index  or indices)

Example :-



21. Which function would you use to rename the index/column names in a dataframe ?

Ans : rename ( ) function is use to change the name of any index or column names in a dataframe.

DF.rename(index = {<name dictionary>}, columns= {<name-dictionary}, inplace=True)

inplace = True => If you want to change in the same DataFrame.

inplace = False  => if you want to change in the newly created dataframe.

<name-dictionary> means {oldindex : new index} or {old column name : new column name}

dfSale.rename(index={1:’One’, 2: ‘Two’}, columns = {‘math’: ‘Maths’, ‘sc’:’Science’. inplace=True}

Class 12 Informatics Practices [065] – Sumita Arora Book Exercise Solution

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