Anjeev Singh Academy

Class 12 IP 065 Ch 1 Python Pandas 1 Type B Short Questions Answer

Chapter 1 : Python Pandas – I

Sumita Arora Book Exercise Solution of Class 12 Informatics Practices [065]

Type B – Short Questions Answers

1. Consider following Series object namely S:


What will be returned by following statements –

(a)  S * 100     (b) S > 0  (c) S1 = pd.Series(S)   (d) S3 = pd.Series(S1)+3

What will be the value of Series object S1 and S3 created above?

Ans : (a) S * 100

      0    43.0271     

      1    61.7328    

      2    -26.5421      

      3    -83.6113

      (b) S > 0

       0   True

       1   True

       2   False

       3   False

    (c) S1 = pd.Series(S)

      >> Create a same series

      0    0.430271      

      1   0.617328    

      2   -0.265421      

      3   -0.836113

    (d) S3 = pd.Series(S1) + 3

        It will create a new series with value s1+3

      0    3.430271     

      1    3.617328    

      2    2.734579

      3    2.163887

2. Consider the same Series object, S given in the previous question. What output will be produced by following code fragment?

S.index = [‘AMZN’, ‘AAPL’, ‘MSFT’, ‘GOOG’]



S[‘AMZN’] = 1.5



Ans: Output produced


   AMZN  0.430271

   AAPL     0.617328

   MSFT   -0.265421

   GOOG  -0.836113

   print(S[‘AMZN’]  => 0.430271

   print(S[‘AMZN’]  => 1.5


   AMZN   1.5

   AAPL     0.617328

   MSFT   -0.265421

   GOOG  -0.836113

3. What will be the output produced by following code?

Stationary = [‘pencils’, ‘notebooks’, ‘scales’, ‘erasers’]

S = pd.Series([20, 33, 52, 10], index =  Stationary)

S2 = pd.Series([17, 13, 31, 32], index=Stationary)

print(S + S2)

S = S + S2

print(S + S2)


Stationary = [‘pencils’, ‘notebooks’, ‘scales’, ‘erasers’]

S = pd.Series([20, 33, 52, 10], index = Stationary)

S2 = pd.Series([17, 13, 31, 32], index=Stationary)

print(S + S2)


pencils                37   

notebooks           46    

scales                  83    

erasers                42

S = S + S2

print(S + S2)


pencils                 54    

notebooks            59     

scales                   114     

erasers                  74

4. What will be the output produced by following code, considering the Series object S given above?

(a)  print( S[1:1] ) 

(b) print (S [0:1] ) 

(c) print(S[0:2])

(d)  S[0:2] = 12 


(e) print(S.index)

(f) print(S.values)

Ans : Output

(a) Series([], dtype: float64)  =>Empty Series

(b) 0    0.430271

(c) 0    0.430271

    1    0.617328

(d) 0    12

    1    12

    2    -0.265421

    3    -0.836113

(e) RangeIndex(start=0, stop=4, step=1)

(f) array([12, 12,  -0.265421,  -0.836113], dtype=float64)

5. Find the error in following code fragment:

(a)        S2 = pd.Series( [101, 102, 102, 104] )


            S2.index = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

            S2[5] = 250


(b)        S = pd.Series(2,3,4,5, index=range(4))

(c)        S1 = pd.Series(1,2,3,4, index = range(7))

(d)       S2 = pd.Series([1,2,3,4], index = range(4) )


(a) S2.index => invalid number of indices are given.

     S2[5]       => index error

(b) S = pd.Series([2,3,4,5], index=range(4))

    => Data must be in the form of sequence

(c) S1 = pd.Series([1,2,3,4], index = range(4))

    => Data must be a sequence,

    => range(n) , where n must be equal to number of data


6. Find the error:

data = np.array([‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, ‘d’, ‘e’, ‘f’ ]

s = pd.Series(data, index = [100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105])

print(s [102, 103, 104] )

can you correct the error?

Ans:  data = np.array([‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, ‘d’, ‘e’, ‘f’ ]  ) => missing of ‘)’

print(s[102, 103, 104])

=> KeyError, writimpoie indices inside the double square brackets

Correct Statemet: print(s[[102, 103, 104]])

7. Why does following code cause error?

S1 = pd.Series(range(1,15, 3), index = list(‘abcd’))

Ans :

S1 = pd.Series(range(1,15, 3), index = list(‘abcd’))

Mismatch of number of values and indices, values are 5 but indices are 4 only.

8. Why does following code cause error?

S1 = pd.Series(range(1,15, 3), index = list(‘abcde’))

print( S1[ ‘ab’ ] )


            print( S1[ ‘ab’ ] )

            KeyError -> ‘ab’ index is not available

9. If Ser is a Series type object having 30 values, then how are statements (a), (b) and (c), (d) similar and  different.

(a) print(Ser.head( ))   

(b) print( Ser.head(8) )  

(c) print( Ser.tail( ) )

(d) print( Ser.tail(11))


(a) print(Ser.head( ))  

(b) print( Ser.head(8) )   

(c) print( Ser.tail( ) )   

(d) print( Ser.tail(11))

Similarities => head( ) print top rows, while tail() print bottom rows

Difference=> haed( ) and tail() print only 5 top or bottom rows respectively head(n) and tail(n) prints ‘n’ top rows or bottom rows respectively

10. What advantages does DataFrame offer over Series data structure? If you have similar data stored in multiple series and a single dataframe, which one would you prefer and why?

Ans: Advantages of DataFrame over the Series are –

  1. DataFrame is a two dimensional data structure while Series is a one dimensional data structure.
  2. DataFrame allows to store the information just like MySQL table i.e. collection of rows and columns, while Series store one tuple (row/record) information.
  3. DataFrame is Value as well as Size Mutable while Series is only value Mutable.
  4. DataFrame allows to store heterogeneous data while Series allows to store homogeneous data.

If we have to store the similar data in Multiple Series and DataFrame, I prefer DataFrame, because

  1. DataFrame provide multiple functionality in comparison to Series.
  2. We can easily do export import from DataFrame.
  3. We can extract individual rows or columns as Series from the DataFrame.

11. Given :

import pandas as pd

d =  { ‘one’ :  pd. Series([1., 2. , 3. ], index = [‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’]),

‘two’ : pd. Series([1., 2. , 3., 4. ],  index  = [‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, ‘d’] ) }

df = pd.DataFrame(d)

df1 = pd.DataFrame ( d, index = [‘d’, ‘b’, ‘a’ ] )

df2 = pd.DataFrame (d, index=[ ‘d’, ‘a’] , columns = [ ‘two’ , ‘three’ ] )




What will Python show the result as if you execute above code?

Ans:     Output of print(df)

     one  two

a  1.0     1.0

b  2.0     2.0

c  3.0     3.0

d  NaN  4.0

Output of print(df1)

  one  two

d  NaN   4.0

b  2.0     2.0

a  1.0     1.0

Output of print(d2)

   two three

d  4.0   NaN

a  1.0   NaN

12. From the dataframes created in previous question, write code to

(a) display only column ‘a’ from dataframes df, dfl, and df2.

(b) display only rows 0 and 1 from dataframes df, dfl, and df2.

(c) display only column ‘a’ and ‘b’ for rows 1 and 2 from dataframes df, dfl and df2.

(d) add an empty column ‘x’ to all dataframes

Answer: (a) display only column ‘a’ from dataframes df, dfl, and df2.

Note : There is no column named ‘a’ in dataframes df, df1 and df2. If we have to access row ‘a’ then

>>> df[‘a’]

>>> df1[‘a’]

>>> df2[0:1]

Answer: (b) display only rows 0 and 1 from dataframes df, dfl, and df2.

>>> df[0:2]

>>> df1.iloc[0:2] # df1[0:2]

>>> df2.iloc[0:2] or df2[0:2]

Questions 13 and 14 make use of this dictionary:

my_di = {“name” . [“Jiya” “Tim”, “Rohan”]’ “

                               “age” : np.array(   15, 20]),

                                “weight” : (75,123,239),

                                “height” : [4.5, 5, 6.1],

        “siblings” : 1, “gender” : “M” }

13. Predict the output of following code (it uses above given dictionary my_di)

df = pd.DataFrame(my_di)



      name  age  weight  height  siblings gender

0   Jiya      10      75          4.5         1        M

1   Tim     15     123         5.0         1        M

2   Rohan 20     239      6.1         1        M

14. Consider the same dictionary my_di in the previous question, what will be the output produced by following code ?

df2 = pd.DataFrame(my_di, index = my_di [“name”] )



            name  age  weight  height  siblings  gender

Jiya    Jiya     10      75          4.5         1        M

Tim     Tim   15     123         5.0         1        M

Rohan  Rohan  20     239        6.1         1        M

Using the df2 created in Question 14, answer the outputs of questions (15 to 19) given below.

15. Assume that required libraries (panda and numpy) are imported and dataframe df2 has been created as per questions 13 and 14 above. Predict the output of following code fragment

print( df2[ “weight”] )

print( df2.weight[ ‘Tim’ ] )


Output of : print( df2[ “weight”] )

Jiya      75

Tim      123

Rohan    239

Name: weight, dtype: int64

Output of : print(df2.weight[‘Tim’])


16. Assume that required libraries (panda and numpy) are imported and dataframe df2 has been created as per questions 13 and 14 above. Predict the output of following code fragment:

df2[“IQ”] = [130, 105, 115]

df2[“Married”]  = False

print ( df2 )


df2[“IQ”] = [130, 105, 115]   

# Add a New Column “IQ” with different value for each row

df2[“Married”]  = False

# Add a New Column “Married” with one value False

print ( df2 )


           name    age   weight  height  siblings gender   IQ  Married

Jiya      Jiya    10         75         4.5          1               M      130      False

Tim        Tim      15      123         5.0         1                M       105       False

Rohan   Rohan  20      239       6.1          1                  M      115       False

  1. Assume that required libraries (panda and numpy) are imported and dataframe df2 has been created as per questions 13 and 14 above. Predict the output produced by following code fragment:

df2[“College”] = pd.Series([“IIT”],  index=[“Rohan”] )

print ( df2 )

        name  age  weight  height  siblings gender   IQ     Married  College

Jiya    Jiya      10      75       4.5         1           M      130    False     NaN

Tim     Tim      15      123      5.0         1           M       105    False     NaN

Rohan Rohan  20     239      6.1         1            M      115    False      IIT

18. Assume that required libraries (panda and numpy) are imported and dataframe df2 has been created as per questions 13 and 14 above. Predict the output produced by following code fragment 

print(df2.loc[“Jiya”])                                                   #(a)

print(df2.loc[“Jiya”,”IQ”])                                          #(b)

print(df2.loc[“Jiya”:”Tim”, “IQ”:”College”])              #(c)

print(df2.iloc[0])                                                         #(d)

print(df2.iloc[0,5])                                                      #(e)

print(df2.iloc[0:2, 5:8])                                               #(f)


#(a) print(df2.loc[“Jiya”])   

name              Jiya

age                 10

weight            75

height             4.5

siblings          1

gender            M

IQ                  130

Married          False

College          NaN

Name: Jiya, dtype: object

#(b) print(df2.loc[“Jiya”,”IQ”])     


#(c) print(df2.loc[“Jiya”:”Tim”, “IQ”:”College”])         

                        IQ        Married           College

Jiya      130      False                NaN

Tim     105      False                NaN

#(d)     print(df2.iloc[0])

name              Jiya

age                 10

weight            75

height             4.5

siblings          1

gender            M

IQ                  130

Married          False

College          NaN

Name: Jiya, dtype: object

#(e) print(df2.iloc[0,5])


#(f) print(df2.iloc[0:2, 5:8])

                         gender   IQ     Married

Jiya       M          130      False

Tim        M         105       False

19. What is the output of the following code ?

d = {‘col1’:[1,4,3], ‘col2’:[6,7,8], ‘col3’:[9,0,1]}

df = pd.DataFrame(d)

print( “Original DataFrame”)


print( “New DataFrame :”)

dfn = df.drop(df. index[ [1,2]])

Answer : Output

Original DataFrame

   col1  col2  col3

0     1     6     9

1     4     7     0

2     3     8     1

New DataFrame

      col1  col2  col3

0     1       6        9

20. What is the output of the following code?    

data = {‘age’ : [20, 23, 22], ‘name’ : [‘Ruhi’, ‘All’, ‘Sam’] }

df1 = pd.DataFrame(data, index=[1, 2, 3])

print( ” Before” )


df1[ ‘Edu’] = [ ‘BA’, ‘BE’, ‘MBA’]

print( ‘After’)


Answer: Output


            age       name

1          20        Ruhi

2          23        All

3          22        Sam


            age       name    Edu

1          20        Ruhi    BA

2          23        All       BE

3          22        Sam     MBA

21. Write a program in Python Pandas to create the following DataFrame batsman from a Dictionary:

1Sunil Pillai9080
2Gaurav Sharma6545
3Piyush Goel7090
4Kartik Thakur8076

Perform the following operations on the DataFrame:                        [CBSE Sample Paper 20-21]

(i) Add both the scores of a batsman and assign to column “Total”

(ii) Display the highest score in both Score1 and Score2 of the DataFrame.

(iii) Display the DataFrame.

Ans :    (i)       batsman[“Total”] = batsman[“Score1”] + batsman[“Score2”]


batsman.loc[:,”Total”] = batsman[“Score1”] + batsman[“Score2”]

(ii)       print(batsman[‘Score1’].max())


(iii)      print(batsman)

22. Consider the following dataframe, and answer the questions given below:

import pandas as pd    [CBSE Sample Paper 19-20]

df = pd.DataFrame({  “Quarter1” : [2000, 4000, 5000, 4400, 10000],

                                    “Quarter2” : [5800, 2500, 5400, 3000, 2900],

                                    “Quarter3” : [20000, 1600,,7000, 3600, 8200],

                                    “Quarter4” : [1400, 3700, 1700, 2000, 6000]} )

(i) Write the code to find mean value from above DataFrame df over the index and column axis.

(ii) Use sum() function to find the sum of all the values over the index axis.

Ans:    (i)        df.mean()  






Quarter1    5080.0

Quarter2    3920.0

Quarter3    8080.0

Quarter4    2960.0

dtype: float64

df.mean(axis=’columns’) or  df.mean(axis = 1)

0    7300.0

1    2950.0

2    4775.0

3    3250.0

4    6775.0

dtype: float64

(ii) df.sum(axis=’index’)    or         df.sum()


Quarter1    25400

Quarter2    19600

Quarter3    40400

Quarter4    14800

dtype: int64

23. Write the use of rename(mapper = <dict-like>, axis=1) method for a Pandas Dataframe. Can the mapper and columns parameter be used together in a rename() method? [CBSE D 2020C ]

Ans:  rename(mapper=<dict-like>, axis = 1) is use to change the columns labels of DataFrame. For example –

>>> df

      Quarter1  Quarter2  Quarter3  Quarter4

0      2000        5800         20000      1400

1      4000        2500         1600        3700

2      5000        5400         7000        1700

3      4400        3000         3600        2000

4     10000       2900         8200        6000

>>> df.rename(mapper={‘Quarter1′:’Qtr1’, ‘Quarter2′:’Qtr2’, ‘Quarter3′:’Qtr3′,’Quarter4′:’Qtr4’}, axis=1)

       Quarter1  Quarter2  Quarter3  Quarter4

0      2000        5800         20000      1400

1      4000        2500         1600        3700

2      5000        5400         7000        1700

3      4400        3000         3600        2000

4     10000       2900         8200        6000

No, We can’t use the mapper and columns parameter together in a rename() method. It will raise an error message:

TypeError: Cannot specify both ‘mapper’ and any of ‘index’ or ‘columns’

24. Find the error in the following code? Suggest the solution.

>>> topDf

            Rollno   Name  Marks

Sec A     115  Pavni     97.5

Sec B     236    Rishi   98.0

Sec C     307    Preet   98.5

Sec D     422  Paula   98.0

>>> topDf.del[‘Sec D’]

Ans:    SyntaxError: invalid syntax, del is not an attribute of DataFrame. del is a statement which is use to delete columns not a row. ‘Sec D’ is an index, it is not a column index. The valid Syntax of del is

del topDF[‘ColumnName’]

25. Find the error in the following code considering the same dataframe topDf given in previous

(a) topDf.rename(index=[‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, ‘d’])

(b) topDf.rename(columns={})

Ans :

(a) rename() method need a name-dictionary value for index and columns arguments. In this statement value is given as list, that is wrong. We can write it in this way –

topDf.rename(index={‘Sec A’:’a’, ‘Sec B’:’b’, ‘Sec C’:’c’, ‘Sec D’:’d’})

      Rollno   Name  Marks

a     115     Pavni  97.5

b     236     Rishi   98.0

c     307     Preet   98.5

d     422     Paula   98.0

(b) topDf.rename(columns = { }) : There is no error , but logically it is wrong. Inside the { } braces we have to write the name dictionary. This statement just give the DataFrame as output without any change.

             Rollno   Name  Marks

Sec A     115         Pavni   97.5

Sec B     236          Rishi   98.0

Sec C     307          Preet   98.5

Sec D     422         Paula   98.0

Class 12 Informatics Practices [065] – Sumita Arora Book Exercise Solution

Sumita Arora Solution

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