Anjeev Singh Academy

Anjeev Singh Academy

Class 11 Computer Science Ch 8 Data Handling – Check Point 8.3 Sumita Arora Solution

Class 11 Computer Science Code 083

Ch 8: Data Handling

Check Point 8.3

Sumita Arora Book Exercise Solution

1. What is a String data type in Python?

Answer: In Python, a String is a sequence of characters and each character can be individually accessed using an index. In Python, a String is a pure sequence of Unicode characters.

Set of characters written inside the single ‘ ‘, double ” “, or triple ”’ ”’ , “”” “”” quotes, called String in Python. A string can hold any type of known character i.e. letters, numbers, and special symbols.

For example:- name = “Anjeev Singh Academy”,
website = “”

2. What are two internal subtypes of String data in Python?

Answer: (a) str type string, and (b) Unicode type string

3. How are str-type strings different from a Unicode string?

Answer: In Python, the str type string uses the ASCII system. In str type string each character consumed 1 byte of memory, and

Unicode type string used the UNICODE system. In Unicode string, each character consumed 2 bytes of memory.

Note – All Python 3.x strings store Unicode characters.

4. What are the List and Tuple data types of Python?

Answer: In Python, Lists and Tuples are compound data types.

List: In Python, a List is a sequential data type containing a list of comma-separated values of any datatype written inside the square brackets.

For example:

a = [1, 2, 3, 4]
b = [1.5, 4.6, 7.8]
c = [‘anjeev’, ‘singh’, ‘academy’]
d = [1 ‘one’, True, 25.69]

Tuple: In Python, a Tuple is a sequential data type containing a list of comma-separated values of any datatype written inside the parenthesis.

For example:

a = (1, 2, 3, 4)
b = (1.5, 4.6, 7.8)
c = (‘anjeev’, ‘singh’, ‘academy’)
d = (1 ‘one’, True, 25.69)

5. How is a list type different from a tuple data type in Python?

Answer: In Python, Lists and Tuples are sequential data types. There is one difference between a List and Tuple.

  • A List is a mutable data type that allows in-place changes.
  • A Tuple is an immutable data type that does not allows in-place changes.

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