Anjeev Singh Academy

Class 10 Computer Application Chapter 6 Cascading Style Sheets CSS Sumita Arora Book Solution

Chapter 6 Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)

Theoretical Questions

1. Which property is used to change the background color?

(a) background-color
(b) bgcolor
(c) bg-color
(d) color

Answer: (a) background-color

h1 {background-color : blue; }

2. Which property is used to increase and decrease the text size?

(a) font-width
(b) font-size
(c) text-width
(d) text-size

Answer: (b) font-size

h3 {font-size : 18pt;

3. What would this CSS rule do?

p { color:red; }

(a) Make the background of all paragraphs red.
(b) Make the fonts of all paragraphs red.
(c) Make all text boxes red.
(d) Make the border of all paragraphs red.

Answer: (b) Make the fonts of all paragraphs red.

4. What would this CSS rule do ?

h2 { font-size:2em; }

(a) Make fonts in a specific h2 tag double in size.
(b) Make fonts in all h2 tags double in size.
(c) Make fonts in all h2 tags double in size and italic.
(d) Make all fonts that are size 2, empty.

Answer: (b) Make fonts in all h2 tags double in size.

5. How do you link an external stylesheet to a page.

(a) <link href='somefile.css'>
(b) <link rel='stylesheet' src='somefile.css'>
(c) <script rel='stylesheet' href=' somefile.css'> </script>
(d) <link rel='stylesheet' href='somefile.css'>

Answer: (d) <link rel='stylesheet' href='somefile.css'>

6. Which one of these name and value declarations would not work ?

(a) margin:20px 0 0 30%;
(b) margin;20px 30%:
(c) margin:20px 30%;
(d) margin:20px 23px 5% 30px;

Answer: (b) margin;20px 30%:

Reason — In CSS, declarations follow the format of property: value;. The value is assigned to the corresponding property, separated by a colon : and terminated by a semicolon ;.
The option margin;20px 30%: has an incorrect syntax. The semicolon ; should be a colon : before the value and the colon : at the end should be a semicolon ;.

7. Which of the following CSS types is defined in the header of a Web page and applies to the entire Web page document?

(a) Inline
(b) Embedded
(c) Inbuilt
(d) External

Answer: (b) Embedded

Reason — Embedded or internal styles are defined in the header of a Web page using the <style> tag and apply to the entire Web page document.

8. Which of the following type of CSS is coded in the body of the Web page as an attribute of an HTML tag and applies ONLY to the specific element that contains it as an attribute?

(a) Inline
(b) Embedded
(c) Inbuilt
(d) External

Answer: (a) Inline

Reason — The inline style of CSS is coded in the body of the Web page as an attribute of an HTML tag and applies ONLY to the specific element that contains it as an attribute.

9. Where in an HTML document is the correct place to refer to an external style sheet?

(a) In Body section
(b) In Head section
(c) In a paragraph
(d) Top of the document

Answer: In Head section

Reason — A <LINK> tag is used in the head section of HTML document to link the HTML page to an external CSS file.

10. Use the CSS …………… property to configure the cellpadding of a table.

Answer: table { padding : 50px 20px 20px 20px ; }

11. What is the utility of dynamic websites?

Answer: The utility of dynamic websites is as follows:

  1. Dynamic websites allow easy content updates.
  2. They tailor content based on user preferences.
  3. They enable feedback forms, comment sections, and social media integration.
  4. They can fetch and display real-time data from databases or APIs enabling live updates like news feeds, stock market information, weather updates, etc.
  5. They support online transactions and inventory management.
  6. They handle large amounts of content and user traffic.
  7. They streamline processes and save time.

12. What are some features of dynamic websites?

Answer: Some features of dynamic websites are as follows:

  1. User registration and authentication can be done.
  2. Content management system (CMS) provides for easy content updates.
  3. Search functionality to find specific content.
  4. Database integration for dynamic content generation.
  5. Interactive forms for user engagement.
  6. E-commerce capabilities for online transactions.
  7. Social media integration for sharing and interaction.
  8. Personalization based on user preferences.
  9. Dynamic content delivery for customized user experiences.
  10. Analytics and tracking to gather data for analysis and optimization.

13. What do you understand by Stylesheets? How are these useful?

Answer: A style sheet is a file containing formatting guidelines that define the overall look of a document.

Style sheets are useful in the following ways:

  1. It helps to separate structure and presentation. The HTML file can include structure tags and style sheet takes care of the presentation of content.
  2. Web pages download much faster.
  3. Developers have to type less code, and the web pages are shorter and neater.
  4. The look of the site is kept consistent throughout all the pages that work off the same style sheet.
  5. Updating design and general site maintenance are made much easier.
  6. Errors caused by editing multiple HTML pages occur less often.

14. What is CSS style rule? How do you define it ?

Answer: A CSS rule is a single statement in a style sheet that identifies what should be styled (the selector) and how those styles sh+ould be applied (the declaration).

We define a rule by writing the selector tag without angle brackets. The properties and their values are written in the following syntax:selector { propertyname : value ; propertyname : value ; …}

For example, if we want <H3 tag to have font face Arial and red color then we define the style rule as follows:h3 { : Arial ; color : red ; }

15. What are three ways of creating style rules? Give examples of each.

Answer: The three ways of creating style rules are as follows:

1. Inline — Styles are embedded right within the HTML code they affect. For example,<h3 style = “ = Arial ; color = red “>

2. Internal — Styles are placed within the header information of the web page and then affect all the corresponding tags on the page.
For example,
<STYLE TYPE = “TEXT/CSS”> h3 { : Arial ; color : red ; } </STYLE>

3. External — Styles are coded in a separate document, which is then referenced from within the header of the actual web page.
For example, let there be a CSS file named sample.css :
h3 { : Arial ; color : red ; }
p { : Times New Roman ; color : blue ; } …and so on…

To link sample.css file to an HTML document, we use the <link tag in the following manner:

16. What is the Cascading order of different style types?

Answer: The cascading order of different style types from higher precedence to lower precedence is :

  1. Inline
  2. Internal
  3. External

17. Where do you place the code to associate a Web page with an external style sheet ?

Answer: To associate a Web page with an external style sheet, we place the code in the head tag in the following manner :

where sample.css is the name of the CSS file.

Application Oriented Questions

1. How do you add a background color for all <h1> elements?

Answer: We define a rule for <h1> tag and use the property background-color to set the background color for all h1 elements.

For example, to set the background color of all <H1> elements to blue, we define the rule as follows:h1 { background-color : blue ; }

2. How do you display a border like this :

The top border = 10 pixels
The bottom border = 5 pixels
The left border = 20 pixels
The right border = 1pixel

Answer: To display the given border, we use the border-width property and write the values in the order — top, right, bottom, left. Thus, the rule will be written as follows:

selector { border-width : 10px 1px 5px 20px ; }

3. How do you make each word in a text start with a capital letter?

Answer: To make each word in a text start with a capital letter we set the value of text-transform property to capitalize.

For example, to make each word in all <H1> elements start with a capital letter, we define a rule as:

h1 { text-transform : capitalize ; }

4. Perform as instructed below.

(a) Create an HTML file namely index.html file with following guidelines :

  • Make sure there are at least 2 paragraphs (<p>) in your HTML file
  • Use h1, h2 and h3 headings
  • Use a numbered and a bulleted list
  • Use a table
  • At least 4 hyperlinks

(b) Link to an external style sheet namely personal.css from your index.html file.

(c) Create a CSS document called personal.css (Make sure you save as type .css) with rules for the following :

  • Have your h2 headings :
    • (a) Appear in a color of your choice
    • (b) Be centered on the page (text-align: center;)
    • (c) In the Serif font family of your choice
  • Double the H1 headings size (relative font size)
  • For paragraphs
    • (a) Specify a font family and font size.
    • (b) Give a background color with 5 px padding on each side
  • For tables
    • (a) Specify a border of width 3px
    • (b) Table heading in bold
  • Remove the underline in your links.

(d) View the html file in a browser.

Answer: index.html

<!DOCTYPE html>

  <link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" href = "personal.css"> 
  <title>HTML Introduction</title> 

  <h1>Introduction to HTML</h1> 
  <h2> What is HTML ? </h2> 
  <p> HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is the standard markup language used for creating and 
        structuring web pages. HTML uses a system of tags and elements to define the different 
        components and content of a web page. </p> 
  <p> HTML forms the foundation of web development and is often combined with CSS (Cascading 
         Style Sheets) and JavaScript to create interactive and visually appealing websites. </p> 
  <h3> Advantages of HTML </h3> 
    <li>Universal support across web browsers.</li> 
    <li>Easy to learn and understand syntax.</li> 
    <li>Platform independence for broad device compatibility.</li> 
    <li>Seamless integration with CSS and JavaScript.</li> 
  <h3>Limitations of HTML</h3> 
    <li>Limited styling and layout control.</li> 
    <li>Lack of built-in interactivity.</li> <li>Insufficient data handling capabilities.</li> 
    <li>Browser compatibility issues.</li> 
    <caption>Some tags of HTML</caption> 
    <tr> <th>Tag</th> <th>Description</th> </tr> 
    <tr> <td>B tag</td> <td>Used to make text bold</td> </tr> 
    <tr> <td>I tag</td> <td>Used to make text italic</td> </tr>
  <p>Check out these links to learn more about HTML:</p> 
    <li><a href="">W3 Schools</a></li> 
    <li><a href="">HTML Wikipedia</a></li> 
    <li><a href="">HTML MDN</a></li> 
    <li><a href="">HTML Code Tutorial</a></li> 


h2 { color: red ; text-align: center ; font-family: Times New Roman ; } 
h1 { font-size: 2em ; } 
p { font-family: Arial ; font-size: 10px ; background-color: cyan ; padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px ; } 
table { border: 3px solid; } 
th { border: 3px solid; font-weight: bold ; } 
td { border: 3px solid; } 
a { text-decoration: none ; }


(e) Create another CSS file with different style rules for the above-mentioned elements and then link index.html to this CSS file. Now view index.html and see the change.


h2 { color: blue ; text-align: left ; font-family: Verdana ; } 

h1 { font-size: 3em ; } 

p { font-family: Georgia ; font-size: 14px ; background-color: green ; padding: 3px 8px 3px 8px ; } 

table { border: 1px dashed; } 

th { border: 1px dashed; font-weight: normal ; } 

td { border: 1px dashed; } 
a { text-decoration: overline ; }

Output (with personalnew.css)

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