Interface of Python with MySQL Database 2-3 Marks
Theory / Concept / Application Based

1. Which library is used to connect python with MySQL? Write an import statement.
Answer: mysql.connector library.
import mysql.connector
import mysql.connector as pysql
2. Which function of mysql.connector is used to open/established a connection to a MySQL database? Write its syntax with examples.
Answer: connect( ) – established/open a connection between MySQL database and python. It returns a connection object, which is used to access the database and all tables.
conObject = mysql.connector.connect(host = hosname, user = userid, passwd = password [, database = dbname] )
the database is an optional parameter.
- myCon = mysql.connector.connect(host = “localhost”, user = “root”, passwd = “root”)
- myCon = mysql.connector.connect(host = “localhost”, user = “root”, password = “root”, database = “school”)
3. Which function is used to check the connection?
Answer: is_connected( ) – it returns True if the database is connected otherwise returns False.
if myCon.is_connected() :
4. What is a cursor? Which function is used to create a cursor?
Answer: The database cursor is a special control structure that facilitates the row-by-row processing of records in the resultsets.
cursor() function is used to create objects.
Syntax : cursorName = ConnectionObject.cursor()
Example : cursorObj = mycon.cursor()
5. Which function is used to execute the query? What does it return?
Answer: execute() function with cursor object, can be used to execute sql query. It returns the resultset.
Syntax: cursorObject.execute(“mysql query string”)
Example: cusorObj.execute(“SELECT * FROM STUDENT”)
6. Which functions are used to extract data from the resultset/cursor?
Answer: fetch…( ) functions
7. How many types of fetch…() functions? Define Each, Give examples, and Write their return types.
Answer: There are three types of fetch…( ) functions:
(a) fetchall(),
(b) fetchmany(), and
(c) fetchone()
Parameters | fetchall( ) | fetchmany( ) | fetchone( ) |
Definition | fetchall( ) returns all records from the cursor/resultset. | fetchmany(N) returns N records from the cursor/resultset. Returns empty tuple if no more records. | fetchone( ) returns one record from the cursor/resultset. |
Example | data = curObj.fetchall( ) | data = curObj.fetchmany(5) | data = curObj.fetchone( ) |
Return Types | (a) List contains tuple. type(data) => list (b) Each Tuple refers to one record. type(data[0]) => tuple | (a) List contains tuple. type(data) => list (b) Each Tuple refers to one record. type(data[0]) => tuple | Tuple type(data) => tuple |
8. Complete the following database connectivity program by writing missing statements and performing the given query. (4)
import ______________________________ as sqltor # 1
mycon = sqltor.________( host = “localhost”, user = “root”, passwd = “123”, database = “medicine” ) #2
cursor = mycon.cursor( )
cursor.execute(______________________ ) #3
data = cursor._________________ #4
for rec in data:
print ( rec )
mycon.close( )
- Complete the statement #1,by writing the name of library / package need to import for database connectivity.
- Complete the statement #2, write the name of method require to create connection between python and mysql.
- Complete the statement #3, write the query to display those drug records which price is between the 50 to 100 from table DRUG.
- Complete the statement #4, to retrieve all records from the result set.
(1) import mysql.connector as sqltor
(2) mycon = sqltor.connect( host = “localhost”, user = “root”, passwd = “123”, database = “medicine” )
(3) cursor.execute(“SELECT * FROM DRUG WHERE PRICE BETWEEN 50 AND 100” )
(4) data = cursor.fetchall( )
import mysql.connector as sqltor # Statement 1
mycon = sqltor.connect( host = “localhost”, user = “root”, passwd = “123”, database = “medicine” ) # Statement 2
cursor = mycon.cursor( )
cursor.execute(“SELECT * FROM DRUG WHERE PRICE BETWEEN 50 AND 100” ) # Statement 3
data = cursor.fetchall() # Statement 4
for rec in data:
print ( rec )
mycon.close( )
9. A table Student is created in the database School. The details of table are given below. (4)
StuID | Name | Class | Total | Grade |
ST/12 | Tanmay | 12 C | 499 | A+ |
import mysql.connector as sqltor
mycon = sqltor.connect( _______, user = “root”, _________, database = ___________ ) #1
cursor = mycon.cursor( )
cursor.execute(______________________ ) #2
data = _________________ #3
for rec in data:
print ( rec )
_____________________ #4
mycon.close( )
a. Complete statement #1 to write the appropriate missing parameters and values.
b. Write statement #2, to fetch Name, Class, and Grade from the table Student who has scored less than 400.
c. Complete statement #3, to fetch all records from the result set.
d. What statement you will write in place of statement #2 to insert one more record in table Student, as well as in statement #4, to make your changes permanent in the table Student?
StuID | Name | Class | Total | Grade |
ST/15 | Amrit | 12 D | 496 | A+ |
import mysql.connector as sqltor
(a) # Statement 1
mycon = sqltor.connect( host = “localhost”, user = “root”, passwd = “root”, database = “School” )
(b) # Statement 2
(c) # Statement 3
data = cursor.fetchall( )
(d) #Statement 2
cursor.execute(“INSERT INTO STUDENT VALUES (“ST/15”, “AMRIT”, “12 D”, 496, “A+”)”)
# Statement 4
10. A table Drug is created in the database Medicine. The details of the table are given below. (4)

import mysql.connector as sqltor
mycon = sqltor.connect( ___________________ ) #1
cursor = mycon.cursor( )
cursor.execute(______________________ ) #2
data = _________________ #3
for rec in data:
print ( rec )
_____________________ #4
mycon.close( )
a. Complete the statement #1 to write appropriate missing parameter and values.
b. Write the statement #2, to fetch drugName and price from table Drug in descending order of price.
c. Complete the statement #3, to fetch only three records from the resultset.
d. What statement you will write in place of statement #2 to insert one more record in table Drug, as well as in statement #4, to make your changes permanent in the table Drug.
(a) host = “localhost”, user = “root”, passwd = “123”, database = “Medicine”
(b) SELECT drugname, price FROM drug ORDER BY price DESC;
(c) cursor.fetchmany(3)
(d) #2 -> INSERT INTO drug VALUES (‘R1005’, 5612, ‘BEOCSULE’,25.00, ‘OXFORD’, ‘DELHI’)
#4 -> mycon.commit( )
11. The given program is used to connect with MySQL and show the name of the all the record from the table “stmaster” from the database “oraclenk”. You are required to complete the statements so that the code can be executed properly.
import _____.connector__pymysql
dbcon=pymysql.______(host = ”localhost”, user = ”root”, ____ = ”sia@1928”, database=“oraclenk”)
if dbcon.isconnected() == False :
print(“Error in establishing connection:”)
query=”select * from stmaster”
for row in resultset:
import mysql.connectoraspymysql
dbcon=pymysql.connect(host=”localhost”, user=”root”, password=”sia@1928”)
if dbcon.isconnected()==False:
print(“Error in establishing connection:”)
query=”select * from stmaster”
resultset = cur.fetchmany(3)
for row in resultset:
dbcon.close( )
12. Aarvi is trying to connect Python with MySQL for her project. Help her to write the python statement on the following:–
(i) Name the library, which should be imported to connect MySQL with Python.
(ii) Name the function, used to run SQL query in Python.
(iii) Write Python statement of connect function having the arguments values as :
Host name :
User : root
Password: Admin
Database : MYPROJECT
(i) import mysql.connector
(ii) execute ( sql_query )
(iii) mysql.connector.connect(host = ””, user = ”root”, password = ”Admin”, database = ”MYPROJECT”)
13. The code given below inserts the following record in the table Student:
Name – string
Gender – string
DOB – date
Stream- string
Marks – integer
Note the following to establish connectivity between Python and MYSQL:
Username is root
Password is 123
The table exists in a MYSQL database named school.
The details ( Name,Gender,DOB,Stream and Marks) are to be accepted from the user.
Write the following missing statements to complete the code:
Statement 1 – to form the cursor object
Statement 2 – to execute the command that inserts the record in the table Student.
Statement 3- to add the record permanently in the database
import mysql.connector as mysql
def sql_data():
con1 = mysql.connect(host="localhost",user="root", password="123", database="school")
mycursor = _____ #Statement 1
Name=input("Enter name :: ")
Gender=(input("Enter Gender :: "))
DOB= (input("Enter Gender :: "))
Stream=(input("Enter Stream :: "))
Marks=int(input("Enter Marks :: "))
querry="insert into student values(„{}‟,'{}',‟{}‟, ‟{}‟,{})".format(Name,Gender ,DOB,Stream,Marks)
__________ #Statement 2
__________ # Statement 3
print("Data Added successfully")
Statement 1: con1.cursor()
Statement 2: mycursor.execute(querry)
Statement 3: con1.commit()
14. The code given below inserts the following record in the table Student:
Name – string
Gender – string
DOB – date
Stream- string
Marks – integer
Note the following to establish connectivity between Python and MYSQL:
Username is root
Password is 123
The table exists in a MYSQL database named school.
The details ( Name,Gender,DOB,Stream and Marks) are to be accepted from the user.
Write the following missing statements to complete the code:
Statement 1 – to form the cursor object
Statement 2 – to execute the querythat extract records of those student whose marks are greater than 90
Statement 3- to read the complete result of the query (records whose marks are greater than 90) into the object named data, from the table student in the database.
import mysql.connector as mysql
def sql_data():
con1 = mysql.connect( host = "localhost", user = "root", password = "123", database = "school")
mycursor=___ #Statement 1
print("Students with marks greater than 90 are : ")
_____________ #Statement 2
data=______ #Statement 3
for i in data:
Statement 1: con1.cursor( )
Statement 2: mycursor.execute(“select * from student where Marks>75”)
Statement 3: mycursor.fetchall( )
15. The code given below inserts the following record in the table Employee: [3]
EmpNo – integer
EmpName – string
EmpDesig – string
EmpSalary – float
Note the following to establish connectivity between Python and MYSQL:
Username is “root‟
Host name is “localhost‟
Password is “123‟
The table exists in a MYSQL database named STORE.
The details (EmpNo, EmpName, EmpDesig,EmpSalary) are to be accepted from the user.
Write the following missing statements to complete the code:
Statement 1 – to form the cursor object
Statement 2 – to execute the command that inserts the record in the table Employee.
Statement 3- to add the record permanently in the table Employee.
import mysql.connector as mysql
def get_data():
con1 = mysql.connect(host = "localhost", user = "root", password = "123", database = "STORE")
mycursor=_____ #Statement 1
EmpNo = int(input("Enter Employee Number :: "))
EmpName = input("Enter name :: ")
EmpDesg = input("Enter employee designation :: ")
EmpSalary = float(input("Enter Salary :: "))
query = "insert into student values({},'{}',‟{}‟,{})". format (EmpNo, EmpName, EmpDesig, EmpSalary)
__________ #Statement 2
__________ # Statement 3
print("Data Added successfully")
Statement 1: con1.cursor()
Statement 2: mycursor.execute(querry)
Statement 3: con1.commit()
16. Meena wants to see all the records from the Traders table. (3)
Write the following missing statements to complete the code:
Statement 1 – to form the cursor object
Statement 2 – to execute the query that extracts records .
Statement 3 – to read the complete result of the query .
import mysql.connector as db
mycon = db.connect(host = ”localhost”, user = ”system”, password = ”test”, database = ”Admin”)
cursor =_______# statement 1
query = ”SELECT * FROM Traders “
__________ # Statement 2
data = ______ # Statement 3
for dt in data:
Statement 1 : mycon.cursor( )
Statement 2 : cursor.execute(query)
Statement 3 : cursor.fetchall( )