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CBSE XII Computer Science 083 Practical Question Paper Set 3 – Download QP and Answer Key

AISSCE XII Computer Science 083 – Practical Question Paper Set #3 – Download Word File

All India Senior Secondary Certificate Examination
XII Computer Science 083 – Practical Question Paper Set #3

Answer Key of Set 3 Practical Examination Question Paper

Answer Key Set – 3

 Q1. LAB TEST                                                                                                                     [8+4=12]

  A. 1) Write a function in Python that counts the number of “Me” or “My” words present in a text file “STORY.TXT”                                                                                                 (4)


#Creating a Text File - story.txt
fout = open("story.txt", 'w')

fout.write("my me our this that \n")
fout.write("here there me my  me \n")
fout.write("my website is \n")


# Solution of Que A. 1
#checking and counting "Me" or "My"

fin = open("story.txt", "r")
text =
count = 0
for word in text.split():
    if  word.lower() == 'me' or word.lower() == 'my':
        count += 1
print("Number of times 'me' or 'my' are : ", count)


            Number of times ‘me’ or ‘my’ are:  6

2)   Write function WritesStudent() to write the Records of Students (admno, name, fee) in a binary file name “stud.dat”, and Write function Display() those records from a binary which fee is less than 1500.


# Solution of Que 2
# Binary file

import pickle

def WriteStudent():
    fout = open("Stud.dat", "wb")           # opening of file
    while True:
        rec = []
        admno = int(input("Enter Admission Number : "))
        name = input("Enter Name : ")
        fee = float(input("Enter Fee : "))
        rec = [admno, name, fee]
 pickle.dump(rec, fout)  #write one record in a file refered by fout

        wish = input("Wish to add more records y/n ")
        if wish.lower() != 'y':

def Display():
    fin = open("Stud.dat", "rb")
        while True:    		# loop is required to read all records
            rec = pickle.load(fin)	# read only one record
                                		# at a time refered by fin file object
            if rec[2] < 1500 :
                print(rec[0], rec[1], rec[2])

#__ main ___ block

print("Writing Records in Stud.dat")

print("Reading Records from Stud.dat")


Writing Records in Stud.dat

Enter Admission Number : 1

Enter Name : Anjeev

Enter Fee : 1500

Wish to add more records y/n y

Enter Admission Number : 2

Enter Name : Ravi

Enter Fee : 1200

Wish to add more records y/n y

Enter Admission Number : 3

Enter Name : Sona

Enter Fee : 500

Wish to add more records y/n n

Reading Records from Stud.dat

2 Ravi 1200.0

3 Sona 500.0


Write a function LShift(Arr, n) in Python, which accepts a list Arr of numbers and n is a numeric value by which all elements of the list are shifted to left.                                                            (4)

Sample Input Data of the list  : Arr= [ 10,20,30,40,12,11],         n = 2

Output : Arr = [30,40,12,11,10,20]


# Solution of Que 2 (OR) 
# LShift

Arr = [10, 20, 30, 40, 12, 11]

def LShift(Arr, n):
    length = len(Arr)
    for i in range(n):   		# Number of times repeat one LShift
        temp = Arr[0]
        for j in range(1, length): 	# One Left Shfit
            Arr[j-1] = Arr[j]
        Arr[length - 1] = temp

n = 2
print("Before LShift")
LShift(Arr, n)
print("After LShift",n,"times")


Before LShift

[10, 20, 30, 40, 12, 11]

After LShift 2 times

[30, 40, 12, 11, 10, 20]

B.  A table Drug is created in the database Medicine. The details of table are given below.       (4)

import  mysql.connector as sqltor                  

      mycon = sqltor.connect( ___________________ )                                                        #1

cursor = mycon.cursor( )

      cursor.execute(______________________ )                                                                #2

      data = _________________                                                                                       #3

      for rec in data:

                   print ( rec )

      _____________________                                                                                          #4

       mycon.close( )

a. Complete the statement #1 to write appropriate missing parameter and values.

b. Write the statement #2, to fetch drugName and price from table Drug in descending order of price.

c. Complete the statement #3, to fetch only three records from the resultset.

 d. What statement you will write in place of statement #2 to insert one more record in table Drug, as well as in statement #4, to make your changes permanent in the table Drug.


a) host = “localhost”, user = “root”, passwd = “123”, database = “Medicine”

b) SELECT drugname, price FROM drug ORDER BY price DESC;

c) cursor.fetchmany(3)

d) Statement#2 -> INSERT INTO drug VALUES (‘R1005’, 5612, ‘BEOCSULE’,25.00, ‘OXFORD’, ‘DELHI’)

Statement#4 -> mycon.commit()

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