Anjeev Singh Academy

Anjeev Singh Academy

Class 12 Computer Science 083 Chapter 1 Python Revision Tour I Sumita Arora Book Exercise Solution

Type C: Programming Practice/Knowledge-based Questions

1.     Write a program to print one of the words negative, zero, or positive, according to whether variable x is less than zero, zero, or greater than zero, respectively.

#Que - 1

x = int(input("Enter a Number : "))

if x < 0:
elif x == 0:


Enter a Number: -5

Enter a Number: 0

Enter a Number: 8

2.     Write a program that returns True if an input number is an even number, and False otherwise.

#Que - 2

x = int(input("Enter a Number : "))

if x % 2 == 0:
   print("Even Number => ", True)
   print("Even Number => ", False)


Enter a Number: 9
Even Number => False

Enter a Number: 8
Even Number => True

3.     Write a Python program that calculates and prints the number of seconds in a year.

#Que - 3

year = int(input("Enter Year : "))

if (year % 4 == 0 and year %100 != 0) or (year % 100 == 0 and year % 400 == 0):
    no_sec = 366 * 24 * 60 * 60
    print(year, "Leap year")
    no_sec = 365 * 24 * 60 * 60
    print(year, "Not a Leap year")
print("Number of seconds in year", year,"is",no_sec)


Enter Year: 1900
1900 Not a Leap year
Number of seconds in year 1900 is 31536000

Enter Year : 2000
2000 Leap year
Number of seconds in year 2000 is 31622400

Enter Year : 2022
2022 Not a Leap year
Number of seconds in year 2022 is 31536000

4.     Write a Python program that accepts two integers from user and prints a message saying if first number is divisible by second number or if it is not.

#Que - 4
x = int(input("Enter Number 1 : "))
y = int(input("Enter Number 2 : "))

if x % y == 0:
    print("First number", x,"is divisible by second number", y)
    print("Not divisible")


Enter Number 1 : 9
Enter Number 2 : 3
First number 9 is divisible by second number 3

Enter Number 1 : 15
Enter Number 2 : 4
Not divisible

5.     Write a program that asks the day number in a year in the range 2 to 365 and asks the first day of the year –  Sunday or Monday or Tuesday etc. Then the program should display the day on the day number that has been input.

#Que - 5

day_number = int(input("Input Day number ranges 2 - 365 : "))

first_day_name = int(input("First Day of the year (0 to 6) i.e 0 - Sunday, 1 - Monday ... 6 - Saturday: "))

day_name = ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"]

new_day = (day_number % 7 + first_day_name - 1)%7 

print("The day on the ", day_number,"is ", day_name[new_day])


Input Day number ranges 2 – 365 : 6
First Day of the year (0 to 6) i.e 0 – Sunday, 1 – Monday … 6 – Saturday: 1
The day on the 6 is Saturday

Input Day number ranges 2 – 365 : 35
First Day of the year (0 to 6) i.e 0 – Sunday, 1 – Monday … 6 – Saturday: 3
The day on the 35 is Tuesday

6.  One foot equals 12 inches. Write a function that accepts a length written in feet as an argument and returns this length written in inches. Write a second function that asks the user for a number of feet and returns this value. Write a third function that accepts a number of inches and displays this to the screen. Use these three functions to write a program that asks the user for a number of feet and tells them the corresponding number of inches.

#Que - 6

def feet_to_inch(foot):
    return foot * 12

def input_feet():
    foot = int(input("Enter value in foot : "))
    return foot

def print_inch(inch):
    print("Value in inch : ",inch)

feet = input_feet()

inch = feet_to_inch(feet)



Enter value in foot : 12
Value in inch : 144

Enter value in foot : 19
Value in inch : 228

7. Write a program that reads an integer N from keyboard computes and displays sum of numbers from N to (2 * N) if N is nonnegative. If N is a negative number, then it’s the sum of numbers from (2 * N) to N. The starting and ending points are included in the sum.

#Que - 7

N = int(input("Enter a number : "))

Sum = 0

print("Sum of =>")

if N > 0:
    for num in range(N, 2*N + 1):
        print(num, end=" ")
        Sum = Sum + num
elif N < 0:
    for num in range(2*N, N + 1):
        print(num, end=" ")
        Sum = Sum + num
print(" = ",Sum)


Enter a number : 5
Sum of =>
5 6 7 8 9 10 = 45

Enter a number : -5
Sum of =>
-10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 = -45

8.  Write a program that reads a date as an integer in the format MMDDYYYY. The program will call a function that prints print out the date in the format <Month Name> <day>, <year>.

Sample run:   Enter date: 12252019

                                 December 25, 2019

#Que - 8 : Method - 1

month = ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April',
         'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September',
         'October', 'November', 'December']

dt = input("Enter Date in Integer MMDDYYY : ")

mm = dt[:2]
dd = dt[2:4]
yy = dt[4:]

print(month[int(mm)-1], dd,",",yy)

Enter Date in Integer MMDDYYY : 12022022
December 02 , 2022

#Que - 8 - Method 2

import datetime

DateInInt = input("Enter Date in Integer MMDDYYYY : ")

d = datetime.datetime.strptime(DateInInt,'%m%d%Y')

print(d.strftime('%B'), d.strftime('%d'),",",d.strftime('%Y'))


Enter Date in Integer MMDDYYY: 12022022
December 02 , 2022

9.  Write a program that prints a table on two columns —table that helps converting miles

#Que - 9
print("Miles - Kilometer")
for m in range(1,10):
    print(m, '-', m * 1.60934)


Miles – Kilometer

1 – 1.60934
2 – 3.21868
3 – 4.82802
4 – 6.43736
5 – 8.0467
6 – 9.65604
7 – 11.26538
8 – 12.87472

9 – 14.48406

10. Write another program printing a table with two columns that helps convert pounds in kilograms

#Que - 10
print("Pounds - Kilogram")
for m in range(1,10):
    print(m, '-', m * 0.453592)


Pounds – Kilogram

1 – 0.453592
2 – 0.907184
3 – 1.360776
4 – 1.814368
5 – 2.26796
6 – 2.721552
7 – 3.175144
8 – 3.628736
9 – 4.082328

11. Write a program that reads two times in military format (0900, 1730) and prints the number of hours and minutes between the two times. A sample run is being given:

Please enter the first time: 0900

Please enter the second time: 1730

8 hours 30 minutes

Method – 1

#Que - 11
#Two times in military format

start = input("enter start time in millitary format : ")
end = input("enter end time in millitary format :")

start_hh = int(start[0:2])  # extract hour part from start time
start_mm = int(start[2:]) # extract minute part from start time

end_hh = int(end[0:2]) # extract hour part from end time
end_mm = int(end[2:]) # extract hour part from end time

if end_mm < start_mm:   # check if end minute is less than the start minute
    end_hh = end_hh - 1        # subtract 1 from end hour
    end_mm = end_mm + 60  #add  60 to end minute

hh = end_hh - start_hh    # differece of hour
mm = end_mm - start_mm # difference of minute

print(hh, "hours", mm,"minutes")


enter start time in millitary format : 0900
enter end time in millitary format :1730
8 hours 30 minutes

enter start time in millitary format : 0950
enter end time in millitary format :1115
1 hours 25 minutes

Method – 2

#Que - 11
#Two times in military format

import datetime

firsttime = input("Please enter the first time : ")

ft = datetime.datetime.strptime(firsttime,'%H%M')

secondtime = input("Please enter the second time : ")
st = datetime.datetime.strptime(secondtime,'%H%M')

tdiff = st - ft  #tdiff is a timedelta object

seconds = tdiff.total_seconds()  #returns the time in seconds
hours = int(seconds // 3600)
minutes = int((seconds % 3600) // 60)

print(hours,"hours", minutes,"minutes")


Please enter the first time : 0900
Please enter the second time : 1730
8 hours 30 minutes

Please enter the first time : 1530
Please enter the second time : 2140
6 hours 10 minutes

Ch. 2- Python Revision Tour – II Solution of Sumita Arora

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