Anjeev Singh Academy

Anjeev Singh Academy

Class 12 Computer Science 083 Ch 2 Python Revision Tour II (Type – B) Sumita Arora Book Exercise Solution

Chapter 2 – Python Revision Tour II

Type B: Application-Based Questions – Python Revision Tour II

Question 1: What will be the output produced by following code fragments?

1 (a)
y = str(123)
x = “hello” * 3
print(x, y)
x = “hello” + “world”
y = len(x)
print(y, x)


hellohellohello 123

10 helloworld

1 (b)
x = “hello”+ \
“to python”+\
for char in x:


h : e : l : l : o : t : o : : P : y : t : h : o : n : w : o : r : l : d :

Question – 1 (c) : Output


he hellowor ld
o ll
llowo or

Question – 2: Python code to Print Average length of Words


#Type - B Que 2
words = ["This", "is", "a", "Python", "Program"]
addlength = 0
for w in words:
    addlength = addlength + len(w)
avg_length = addlength / len(words)
Question – 3: Predict Output

Answer: [4, 3, 2]

Question – 4 (a) : Predict Output

Answer: 2 3 4 5 6 6

Question – 4 (b) : Predict Output


1 #

1 # 2 #

1 # 2 # 3 #

Question – 5(a) : Find the errors. State reasons.

Answer: t[0] = 6 raise an error message. Becuase t is a tuple, tuple is immutable.

Question – 5(b) : Find the errors. State reasons.

Answer: No Error

Question – 5(c) : Find the errors. State reasons.

Answer: t[4] = 6, raise an error IndexError – list index out of range

Question – 5(d) : Find the errors. State reasons.

Answer: t[0] = “H” raise a TypeError: ‘str’ object does not support item assignment

Question – 5(e) : Find the errors. State reasons.

Answer: This code has the following errors –

Line 1 – Undefined Symbol – Amar, Shveta, and Parag

Line 2 – Undefined Symbol IF, Invalid operator =, it should be ==

Question – 6:

Answer: for i in range(len(words), 0, -1) : print(words[i], end=”)

Error 1: when i is len(words), words[i] raise an IndexError, because last element index value is len(words)-1.

Error 2: for i in range(len(words), 0, -1) – does not assign 0 to i, so that it does not print the first element of the word. This is a logical error.

Question – 7: Output of the following code


a is Hello

b is Nita

c is How’s

d is life ?

Hi Nita

Question – 8: Output of the following code – (refer to book)

Answer: print(tuple_a == tuple_b) => print True

Question – 9: Output of the following code- (refer to book)

Answer: (b) False

Reason: Both id1 and id2 refer to a different memory.

Question – 10: Output of the following code(refer to book)

Answer: 30

{(1,2,4) : 8, (4,2,1) : 10, (1,2) : 12}

Question – 11: Write a method to display the elements of the list thrice if it is a number and display the element terminated with ‘#’ if it is not a number.

Answer: Python Method

def printList():
    List = ['41', 'DROND', 'GIRIRAJ', '13', 'ZARA']
    for val in List:
        if val.isdigit():
            print(val,'#', sep='')




Question – 12: Name the function/method required to

Answer: (i) Check if a string contains only uppercase letters – isupper()

(ii) gives the total length of the list – len()

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