Anjeev Singh Academy

Anjeev Singh Academy

Class 9 IT 402 Unit 5 Digital Presentation Sumita Arora Book Solution

Class 9 Information Technology 402

Unit 5 – Digital Presentation

Sumita Arora Book Solution

Session 1 – Introducing Presentation

Q1- Impress presentations are given extension ____.
Ans- .odp

Q2- Which of the following can be one of the components of a slide?
Ans-All of the above

Q3- Speaker’s notes can be used for Reference. (T/F)
Ans- True

Q4- Which of the following can be used to create a presentation from scratch –
Ans-Empty presentation

Q5- Which of the following views can you use to show just the slide and its contents
Ans- Slide

Q6- Differentiate between a Slide and a Slide Show.
Ans- Slide View shows the slide and its contents but Slide Show View displays the presentation on the slide at a time in sequence as an automatic slide show.

Q7- What is presentation graphics? What is its significance?
Ans- Presentation graphics is a specialized type of graphics software. These programs are used to create professional-looking visual aids for an audience.

Q8- What are the various components of a slide? Write their usage.
Ans- Various Components of Slide are:

  • Title-A descriptive heading identifying a slide.
  • Subtitle- A descriptive message of the slide data.
  • Drawing objects-These include autoshapes, curves, lines etc.
  • Clipart and Pictures- Openoffice suite comes with its own set of pictures in the
  • Gallery. These pictures are called Clipart or pictures.

Q9- What are the various views, which you can open your presentation in?
Ans- There are six ways to view your presentation –

  • Normal View
  • Outline View
  • Slide View
  • Slide Sorter View
  • Slide Show View
  • Notes View

Q10- When is Slide Sorter View useful for viewing a presentation?
Ans- Slide Sorter view is useful to display entire set of slides on-screen, so that we can check the order and completeness of our presentation.

Q11- What is Outline? What is its significance?
Ans- Outline view displays only the text of the presentation in outline form. This view is used for rearranging the order of slides, editing titles and headings, rearranging the order of items in a list and adding new slides.

Q12- Which pane can you insert the speaker’s notes in?
Ans-Notes pane.

Q13- What do you understand by Handouts? How are they useful?
Ans-The Handout view lets us print our slides for a handout. Handouts basically are compressed versions of a slide useful for printing.

Q14- A salesperson is using presentation software to produce a slideshow. State the three features of presentation software, other than text, that can be used to make the presentation more interesting.

Ans-(i). Slides contain images, video, links, and sound.

(ii). The software comes with many different animation effects which can be used to add emphasis to presentations.

(iii) It also has a large selection of slide transition effects that can be used when changing from one slide to the next.

Session 2 – Introducing Presentation

Q1- What is a slide layout?
Ans- Placeholder boxes for objects like graphics, title etc.

Q2- A preformatted blueprint used for the creation of other presentations is.

Q3- Place holder positioned at the bottom of every slide or slide handout is ___.
Ans- Footer

Q4- This allows the style to be set once and applied to multiple slide in a presentation. What is this.
Ans- Slide master

Q5- How would you change the background and shading of the current slide?
Ans- Follow the given steps: –

  • Click at Format- Page option.
  • Select the Background tab and choose the desired fill scheme.
  • Click OK.

Q6- How would you change the background through a slide master?

Ans- 1. Click View menu- Master- Slide Master.

  • Click the command Format menu- Page.
  • Choose the Background tab.
  • Select the type of fill from the Fill menu.
  • Click OK.

Q7- What is a template? How do you create a presentation based on a template?
Ans- A presentation template is a pattern or blueprint of a slide or group of slides saved as a file based on which we can create other presentations. To create a presentation based on a template, firstly select From template and then a presentation template from Presentation Wizard.

Q8- What is the significance of presentation templates?
Ans- Templates are very useful when we want to create a set of presentations for similar purposes. This ensures uniformity across similar types of presentations.

Q9- What is a slide master? How is it useful?
Ans- Slide master refers to a design theme applicable to multiple slides. Masters are used to ensure identical designs on every slide.

Q10- How is a slide master different from a template?
Ans- A template is a blueprint based on which a presentation is created. Within a presentation, the design theme is controlled via slide masters. In fact, there can be multiple slide masters applied to different slides of the presentations.

Session 3 – Slide Text and Images

Q1- How do you add text to a slide?
Ans- To add text to a slide, click in the textbox and start typing.

Q2- How do you add a bulleted list to a slide?
Ans-Follow these steps:-

  • Click Format menu- Bullets and Numbering.
  • Click Bullets tab.
  • Select the desired type of bullet.
  • Click OK.

Q3- How do you add a numbered list to a slide?
Ans- Follow the given steps:-

  • Click Format menu- Bullets and Numbering.
  • Click Numbering type tab.
  • Select the desired type of numbering.
  • Click OK.

Q4- How do you add a table to a slide?
Ans- Follow the given steps to add a table: –

  • Click Insert menu -Table.
  • Specify the number of rows and columns.
  • Click OK.

Q5- What is the maximum size of a table that you can enter in Impress?
Ans- In Impress, we can insert a
maximum 75 X 75 table.

Q6- What are the header row and total row of a table?
Ans- The header row is the very first row that has a different background from the rest of the table. It is useful for giving column headings. The total row is similar to a header row, but it is the last row that is different from the rest of the table. It is a useful feature for tables with numerical data with totals at the bottom.

Q7- To have sums of all column values in a numeric table, which row will you add and why?
Ans- To have sums of all column values in a numeric table, we will add the total row because it is the last row and it is a useful feature for tables with numerical data with totals at the bottom.

Q8- In how many ways can you add images to a presentation?
Ans- We can add images from the clipboard, cloud, and gallery.

Q9- What is the use of the Paste Special command?
Ans- Paste Special is a feature that gives us more control of how the content is displayed when pasted from the clipboard.

Q10- How is Paste different from Paste’s special command?
Ans- Paste inserts the image in the default format as decided by the software while Paste special allows us to decide, which format we want to paste the image into.

Session 4 – Drawing and Managing Graphic Objects in Impress

Q 1. How can you add predefined shapes to your slides?
Answer: To add a predefined shape to your slide, click on the small triangle next to a basic shape,
select the desired tool, and drag it into the slide.

Q 2. How will you add a line border to graphic objects?
Answer: The format -> line command applies a border around the selected object. It opens the line
dialog where you can choose the type of line, line size, line style, etc.

Q 3. How will you fill the area of a graphic object as blue?
Answer: Select the graphic object -> Go to fill -> select the color blue.

Q 4. What is the grouping and ungrouping of objects?
Answer: Grouping of multiple objects combines the separate objects in a way so that they behave as if they are a single object.
Ungrouping of a single object distributes the object in a way so that it behaves as if it a
combination of different objects.

Q 5. What are the two types of properties of text? How do you set these?
Answer: Every text object inserted into Impress has two types of properties:
Presentation Properties and Graphic Properties.
For Presentation Properties
Select the text and in the text properties, select the desired font, size, style, shadow, etc. for the text. Or you can click the format menu -> Character command which displays a Character dialog wherein you can set font, font effects, etc.
For Graphic Properties
To set graphic properties, select the text and click the format menu -> text command.

  • It will display a text dialog where: From the text tab, you can set its properties like fit width/height, spacing from border, etc.
  • From the text animation tab, you can set animation effects, animation direction, and other animation properties.

Q 6. What is the use of connectors? How do you format connectors?
Answer: Connectors are used to link two or more graphic objects.
Steps to format connectors:

  • Step 1: Insert the graphic objects.
  • Step 2: Click the connectors button on the Drawing toolbar, click the first object to be connected, and drag the next object to be connected.
  • Step 3: Format the connector by right-clicking the connector and choosing the connector from the shortcut menu. It will display a connector dialog where you can format the connector.

Session 5 Exporting and Printing Slide shows the Presentation

Q 1. You can print out the presentation as all of the following except

(a) Full-page slides
(b) Outline view
(c) Multiple slides per page
(d) Interactive view

Answer: (d) Interactive View

Q 2. When you want to animate a part of your text (words) you must click on which of the following First?

(a) Custom Animation option
(b) Slide Transition option
(c) Insert
(d) Text Box

Answer: (a) Custom Animation Option

Q 3. How do you add the same transition for each slide?

(a) Click the transition
(b) Click the transition then click “ Apply to all”
(c) Click the transition then click “ Remove”
(d) Click Design

Answer: (b) Click the transition then click “ Apply to all”

Q 4. Which function key allows you to run the slideshow?

(a) F1
(b) F5
(c) F3
(d) F7

Answer: (b) F5

Q 5. How can you reorder slides in the slide show?

(a) Cut the content of a slide, add a new slide and paste the cut content there
(b) In slide sorter view, drag the slide to desired new position
(c) You can’t
(d) Delete the previous slide and import a new one

Q 6. The animation shown when one slide moves to another slide is known as ____.
(a) Animation
(b) Transition
(c) Design
(d) Hyperlink

Answer: (b) Transition

Q 7. All of the following are items that can be included in a presentation except…
(a) Audio
(b) Video Game
(c) Charts
(d) Tables

Answer: (b) Video Game

Q 8. Custom animation is available on the _____ menu.

(a) Edit
(b) Slide show
(c) Tools
(d) Insert

Answer: (b) Slide show

Q 9. What are transition effects?

Answer: Transitions are special effects that introduce a slide in a slide show.

Q 10. When is the slide sorter view useful for viewing a presentation?

Answer: In slide sorter view, you can easily rearrange slides, delete them, or duplicate them.

Q 11. Which menu and command let you insert animation in your slide?

Answer: Normal view -> Click command Slide show -> Custom Animation

Q 12. How would you print handouts from your presentation?

Answer: Use the command File menu -> Print. It will open the Print dialog. Here you can specify what to print i.e. choose one of the following to print.
* Slides
* Handouts
* Notes
* Outline

Q 13. Neesa is trying to save her presentation in MS PowerPoint but export command from file menu is not providing any option for this? Help her to save the presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint presentation format.


  • In Impress, click the command File -> Save As.
  • In Save As dialog choose the save as type as Microsoft PowerPoint presentation.

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